Staff qualification

In 2012 the staff of Batys-Munai LLP were trained:

by Klinal LLP on the courses "Well control at gas, oil and water flow and blowout safety” - 27 people and "Industrial safety at hazardous industrial facilities" - 55 people, also by the “Training Centre Znanie-Bezopasnost" LLP on the course " Health and Safety" - 61 people.


“Batys-Munai” LLP has qualified and experienced personnel. The Engineers are constantly trained for well-kill safety in “Ak-Beren” training centers.

Due to personnel advanced training the company sends them to the West of China for acquaintance with international methodic of work performance.

In 2008 23 company’s workers have successfully completed the full course on “well control” in the Institution certificated by International Association of drilling Contractors (IADC).